Do a Complete Background Check before Hiring an Employee

It is not easy to trust people, is it? Some people often misuse a company's resources by lying in their resumes to get a job. This is not only wrong but can be also considered a crime. That is why it is suggested to many companies to do an oracle pre employment screening of the employees to be sure that whatever they have told in their resume is correct. Now how to do a thorough background check? Here are some factors of a complete background check: 

  1. Criminal Records: Hiring an employee with a criminal record can be dangerous to the other employees working with them. It is very important to know if any potential employee has a criminal record or not to maintain safety in the organization.
  2. Education: People usually write that they have done so-so education, and a lot of companies don't bother to cross-check that information and hire them based on their education. It is very important to check their educational qualification before hiringClick here to know more about background check
  3. Reference: It is very easy for people to get various certificates of certain programs and courses, and then they use those certificates for getting a job. So, when hiring it is very important to check from the reference that, if those certificates real or fake.
  4. Security of Homeland: As a part of the country it is very important to protect the holiness of our country, and identifying those from whom our country has a threat is a part of that responsibility.

Now that you know how important doing a background check is, you should start doing it in your company. Worried that how will you be able to do such a lengthy process on your own? Don’t worry you won't have to do anything, because we have found a company that offers such services. 

ClearStar is one of the leading companies; they are a gold member of Oracle Partner Network and are also a founding member of NAPBS. They have a team of highly efficient and trained professionals who do oracle employment background check for your company. They are in this business since 1995, with their headquarters in Georgia, USA. Their other two offices are in London, UK, and Florida, USA. They are known for providing technological solutions which are innovative, to say the least. ClearStar is nothing but the best and you should choose only them for doing the background screening. You can also check out their website to know more about them.

About ClearStar:

ClearStar is a reputed and trusted company providing background checks for financial institutions.

For more information, visit


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